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RIT Ambulance

Star of Life

In the event of an emergency, dial 911 from any phone.

RIT Ambulance is a community run Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency which responds to emergency medical calls primarily on the RIT campus. RIT Ambulance is composed of state-certified students, staff, and alumni volunteers. RIT Ambulance operates a New York State Certified Basic Life Support ambulance and a Basic Life Support first response / command vehicle. In addition to responding to emergency calls, RIT Ambulance provides standbys as requested for concerts, sporting events, and other social gatherings for the RIT community.

RIT Ambulance recently celebrated 50 years of service to the RIT community. The following video shows off just some of what RIT Ambulance has accomplished:

[RIT Ambulance most decorated among national EMS crews]

In partnership with RIT Student Wellness and the RIT Student Health Center, RIT Ambulance is able to offer emergency medical services free of charge. A patient will never receive a bill from RIT Ambulance. However, RIT Ambulance is unable to respond to every emergency on campus and so we rely on outside ambulance services when we are not available. Non-RIT ambulances do charge for service. [More info]

All of our medics are trained to address immediately threatening injuries and medical conditions. Some of these skills include CPR, hemorrhage control, AED operation, splinting and bandaging, and administration of various medications as dictated by the Department of Health.

As a New York State certified ambulance service, RIT Ambulance is an active participant in providing reciprocal mutual-aid with our partners in surrounding communities throughout Monroe County and even New York State. RIT Ambulance is prepared to support any of the neighboring communities’ ambulance services if additional resources are required. If RIT Ambulance needs additional resources to manage an emergency, this relationship allows us to ensure an ambulance is always available to help you during your emergency.

Over the years, the RIT Ambulance has grown to be one of New York State's leading collegiate EMS teams. We are always looking for highly motivated volunteers to join us! If you are interested you can submit an interest form at any time. Our base is located on the A level of Building 23A, the Student Health Center, half way down the Quarter Mile. Feel free to stop by and ask our members about the benefits of joining.

Quick Information

Emergency: 911 or (585) 475-3333
Phone: (585) 475-2605
Fax: (585) 475-7788
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We are always looking for highly-motivated volunteers: Information on joining RIT Ambulance. You can also talk to one of our members by visiting our base located in Building 23A, the Student Health Center, on the bottom floor.

Need an ambulance for your event? All standby requests are booked through RIT's Event Management System

EMS Ready Campus - Silver
MERIT Heartsafe Winner of the NCEMSF Website of the Year Award for 2011